Autotrader’s Dealer Advantage Blog offers digital marketing strategy, best practices for online advertising and virtual selling, and industry insights for automotive dealerships.

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Tips for Increasing Dealership Service Revenue This Quarter
Tips for Increasing Dealership Service Revenue This Quarter

Jan 28, 2021
Kevin LeSage, Director of Digital Marketing

The majority of my client conversations revolve around front-end sales and generating high-quality audiences of in-market shoppers to target. But what about service and repair audiences? Service and repair is […]

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How to Get the Audience Targeting Data Your Dealership Needs for 2021
How to Get the Audience Targeting Data Your Dealership Needs for 2021

Dec 11, 2020
Kevin LeSage, Director of Digital Marketing

Data strategy and audience targeting will be more critical than ever in 2021. Because this election and COVID-19 have changed our historical performance, year-over-year analysis comparing 2020 and 2021 will not be […]

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Growing Your Fixed Ops Market Share
Growing Your Fixed Ops Market Share

Nov 13, 2020
Jade Terreberry, Director of Dealer Sales Analytics, Autotrader

If you’ve been keeping up with our recent posts, you know that we’ve got our eyes on the ever-shifting shopping and buying expectations of today’s consumer. Today, let’s take a […]

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Navigating Dealership Blind Spots Without a Rearview Mirror
Navigating Dealership Blind Spots Without a Rearview Mirror

Oct 21, 2020
Jade Terreberry, Director of Dealer Sales Analytics, Autotrader

What has the pandemic done to our industry? It has advanced how we use technology. It has forced us to be scrappier and smarter with our time and money than […]

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Q4 Strategy: Expanding Used Vehicle Sales and Advertising Outside Your DMA
Q4 Strategy: Expanding Used Vehicle Sales and Advertising Outside Your DMA

Oct 8, 2020
Kevin LeSage, Director of Digital Marketing

It’s been incredibly inspiring to see our industry adapt, improvise and overcome the myriad of challenges that 2020 has thrown at us, but as we enter Q4, it’s time to […]

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Regional COVID-19 Automotive Consumer Trends and What They Mean for Your Dealership
Regional COVID-19 Automotive Consumer Trends and What They Mean for Your Dealership

Sep 17, 2020
Wendy Brunson

Well, folks, it has been six months since the world came to a grinding halt due to COVID-19. Everyone from the East Coast to the West worked on flattening the […]

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How Vehicle Sanitization and Disinfection Can Drive Sales and Fixed Ops Revenue
How Vehicle Sanitization and Disinfection Can Drive Sales and Fixed Ops Revenue

Aug 19, 2020
The Autotrader Team

Early on in this pandemic, shelves were emptied of cleaning supplies, we were warned to wipe down our packages upon delivery, and handwashing became the hottest topic on social media. Basically, the world […]

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Creating Demand: How to Drive Car Sales and Get More Used-vehicle Inventory
Creating Demand: How to Drive Car Sales and Get More Used-vehicle Inventory

Aug 5, 2020
Jade Terreberry, Director of Dealer Sales Analytics, Autotrader

Every dealership I’ve talked to lately has had the same couple of things on their minds: how to get more used-vehicle inventory and how to get consumers to buy now. […]

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Inventory Is Scarce and Expensive. So, Let’s Build a Proactive Acquisition Plan.
Inventory Is Scarce and Expensive. So, Let’s Build a Proactive Acquisition Plan.

Jul 22, 2020
Kevin LeSage, Director of Digital Marketing

Dealers in many areas have witnessed increased shopper demand over the last couple of months, in some cases leading to record sales months. That sounds great, but there’s a downside […]

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