Autotrader’s Dealer Advantage Blog offers digital marketing strategy, best practices for online advertising and virtual selling, and industry insights for automotive dealerships.

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The Future of the Automotive Consumer Experience: Embrace the Digital Shift Now 
The Future of the Automotive Consumer Experience: Embrace the Digital Shift Now 

Jul 2, 2024
The Autotrader Team

Hey there, modern-day car dealership virtuosos! Buckle up because we’re about to drive straight into the future of automotive consumer experiences. Spoiler alert: it’s online, it’s data-driven, and it’s going […]

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Delivering a Consumer Experience Online – The 5 Key Steps 
Delivering a Consumer Experience Online – The 5 Key Steps 

Mar 7, 2024
The Autotrader Team

The next great phase of the automotive consumer experience is happening online. Your buyers are not only purchasing online, but they’re also making intelligent decisions about payment plans, researching competitors, […]

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Staying a Step Ahead in a Cookieless Future with First-Party Data
Staying a Step Ahead in a Cookieless Future with First-Party Data

May 15, 2023
Autotrader, and ESNTIAL Teams

As the majority of us know, there are really big benefits to both having and collecting first-party data for your business. Think of your contacts, your customers, your leads, your […]

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Successful Dealers Are Activating Their First Party Data… Are You? 
Successful Dealers Are Activating Their First Party Data… Are You? 

Apr 17, 2023
Jade Terreberry, Senior Director, Strategic Development for Cox Automotive and Noah Lee, Director of Product Consulting at

Data is something we all want, need and collect in order to drive business. But despite the vast amounts of data we all have, many auto dealers are left scratching […]

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The 3 Ways Today’s Auto Dealers Should Reinvent their Digital Future
The 3 Ways Today’s Auto Dealers Should Reinvent their Digital Future

Mar 10, 2023
Vanessa Ton, Senior Manager, Industry Intelligence at Cox Automotive

After taking in the results to Cox Automotive’s annual 2022 Car Buyer Journey Study, it was clear that the impacts of digitalization were not only being felt by today’s consumers, […]

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How to Navigate the Trends and Hurdles Shaping Today’s Car Buyers’ Satisfaction Levels 
How to Navigate the Trends and Hurdles Shaping Today’s Car Buyers’ Satisfaction Levels 

Feb 9, 2023
Vanessa Ton, Senior Manager, Industry Intelligence at Cox Automotive

The Cox Automotive annual 2022 Car Buyer Journey Study is out, and the impacts of digitalization, economic challenges and industry pressures are clearly being felt. Results from the over 10,000 […]

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The 4 Ways Car Dealers Can Leverage their Brand, Traffic and Reputation to Drive Sales 
The 4 Ways Car Dealers Can Leverage their Brand, Traffic and Reputation to Drive Sales 

Jan 11, 2023
Jessica Stafford, SVP of Consumer Solutions

Everyone in the auto industry knows that the past year presented several hurdles for auto dealers to jump over, one after another. Inventory was low, buyer behaviors and our industry […]

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A Look at Today’s in-Market Auto Shoppers and What They Want
A Look at Today’s in-Market Auto Shoppers and What They Want

Dec 9, 2022
The Autotrader Team

Every dealer in today’s times wants and strives to get in front of their ideal customer. And they can do that with the right digital retailing tools as well as […]

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5 Effective Data Strategies to Use in 2023 
5 Effective Data Strategies to Use in 2023 

Nov 16, 2022
Karrie Sudbrack, Vice President of Deal Sales, Cox Automotive

Every dealer in today’s times knows the importance and value of your data. However, not every dealer understands that your data needs a consistent top to bottom strategy behind it, […]

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